The Legacy Ministry of FCC – Sermons Audio and Youtube – Sermons online for the continued edification of the body of Christ.
Years of Ministry Remembered

For Over 25 Years
God saw fit to grant an incredible preaching ministry that impacted the lives of a generation in a small area of Kansas City.
In 1995 Faith Community Church began in Tim and Lori’s living room. Tim graduated with a Master of Divinity Degree with emphases in preaching and New Testament Greek from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2000. He has been involved in post-graduate work at the University of Wales. He would later to go on to finish his Doctoral program through the Master’s Seminary in Preaching. These sermons are some of the fruit of the 25 years of ministry that helped mature a generation into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
If you have questions you can Text
(816) 866-1244
Disclaimer: Tim Juhnke has had no part in the making of this website. Friends who have been matured in the faith by listening to the preached word, have designed this site.